For rent: one bedroom duplex furnished apartment – Prague 1 – Nove Mesto, Reznicka street
On the lower floor of the apartment there is a living room with a fireplace and a large window to the terrace, a bathroom with a bathtub and a toilet, a dining area with a large dining table and a fully equipped kitchenette.
For rent: one bedroom duplex furnished apartment – Prague 1 – Nove Mesto, Reznicka street
On the upper floor of the apartment is a bedroom with a double bed and a small dressing room.
For rent: one bedroom duplex furnished apartment – Prague 1 – Nove Mesto, Reznicka street
The apartment is on the 4th floor without an elevator. The building has separate gas water heating and heating systems, and Internet and land-line connection.
For rent: one bedroom duplex furnished apartment – Prague 1 – Nove Mesto, Reznicka street
There is the possibility to arrange change of some current furniture. Parking is on the street, with the possibility of arranging parking in garages on Štěpánská Street.
For rent: one bedroom duplex furnished apartment – Prague 1 – Nove Mesto, Reznicka street
For more details and to manage a visit call English speaking agent Vladimir – cell phone (+420) 608 11 44 11.
For rent one bedroom apartment 55 m2 situated on the 2nd floor of a brick building without a lift. The floors are oak parquet and tiles, bathroom with tub. Heating gas boiler.
For rent one bedroom apartment Prague 2 – Nové Město, Náplavní street
Fully equipped kitchen with all appliances like gas stove, fridge / freezer, dishwasher. Together with the rent are paid house services in the amount of 1000 CZK per person and gas, electricity according to consumption paid directly to suppliers.
For rent one bedroom apartment Prague 2 – Nové Město, Náplavní street
It is living in the heart of Prague with walking distance to the Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, a few steps from the Vltava River, a short walk from the Národní třída station, the MY and Quadrio department stores.
For rent one bedroom apartment Prague 2 – Nové Město, Náplavní street
All civic amenities (schools, kindergartens, doctor, hospital, shops).
For rent one bedroom apartment Prague 2 – Nové Město, Náplavní street
The apartment has excellent access to international schools (ISP / River Side School / Prague British School). Available immediately. The lessee will pay gas and electricity directly to the distribution companies.
Pronájem bytu 2+1, 55 m2 ve 2. patře cihlového činžovního domu bez výtahu. Na podlahách jsou dubové parkety a dlažba, koupelna s vanou.
For rent one bedroom apartment Prague 2 – Nové Město, Náplavní street
Vytápěno plynovým kotlem. Plně vybavená kuchyňská linka se všemi spotřebiči jako plynový sporák, lednice s mrazákem, myčka. Spolu s nájmem se platí domovní služby ve výši 1000 Kč za osobu a plyn, elektro dle spotřeby placené přímo dodavatelům.
For rent one bedroom apartment Prague 2 – Nové Město, Náplavní street
Jedná se o bydlení v samotném srdci Prahy s docházkovou dostupností na Karlův most, Staroměstské náměstí, pár kroků od řeky Vltavy, kousek od stanice Národní třída, obchodního domu MY a Quadrio. Veškerá občanská vybavenost (školy, školky, lékař, nemocnice, obchody). Z bytu je výborná dostupnost mezinárodních škol (ISP/ River Side school / Prague British School). Volné ihned. Nájemce bude platit plyn a elektřinu přímo distribučním společnostem.